Hello everyone!
Well I will start with the good news! After some more “exploration”
regarding how this blogging stuff works I discovered that I was unintentionally making everyone who was trying to comment's life more difficult due to our settings. So I have adjusted
the settings and hopefully it should be really easy to comment. You can just
comment as Anonymous.
The other good news is that I had an echo cardiogram done
and my ejection fraction is 61. The average EF is 58. So my ticker is still
strong! Not really a big surprise but it counts as good news J
Unfortunately not all news is good news. I went in for a
bone scan on Wednesday to check the spot on my third thoracic vertebrae. Sounds
like it lit up the screen. Which isn’t good news, but it is not conclusive news
either. So the next step is to get a bone biopsy on my spine. Youch! We all
know that’s going to hurt! I’m not particularly fond of getting the test but I
do look forward to having it behind me and having definitive answers.
A care package from the Gerstmars in Calgary! Loved it all!!! |
If it wasn’t for Steve we probably wouldn’t have any answers
at this point but he is so incredibly on top of things we are getting our
results faster than my oncologist is reading them. We called to get a preliminary report (the
first radiologist’s opinion). We were told that the test was done but a doctor
needed to access them and deliver them. Cue my awesome GP Dr. M.
We got this news as I was literally stepping out of the
shower and I was on Alyssa time, which is “last possible minute time”. So I had
my mom call the doctor’s office while I dressed and painted my face J.
It’s not very often my mom uses her “mom” voice but when she
does I would recommend just doing what she says. It would seem that the admin
assist agreed with my conclusion. I don’t blame the lady either. She was just
doing her job. You see, my doctor was all booked up for the day and was leaving
in the afternoon. So the first thing she said was “Dr. M--- was not in this
afternoon”. Well the problem with us Gerstmars is we are everywhere at once (safety
in #’s) and my sister who was standing beside my mom had just happened to have
seen Dr M--- an hour ago for an appointment. So, my mom clarified that Dr M was
still in her office. The lady confirmed but said we couldn’t speak with her as
she was in appointments and the soonest we could see her was the 29th.
Well, let’s just say “Cue mom voice” where my mom politely(truly it was very
nice, but its still MOM voice) informed her that that was not going to work and
Dr M--- personally delivered me into this world and that if she would be so
kind as to deliver the message to the kind doctor , Dr M could decide for
herself if she had time. Of course Dr. M
pulled through and made the call and delivered my results to me! Basically just
because she is the best GP!

Now, as you all know I always have the most awkward timing.
For example I once quit a job in the middle of a jump lesson (and I never answer
my phone while in a lesson but they called 3 times so I thought I should answer
it). Another time I accepted a job while at the barn and simultaneously the
horse I was grooming spooked and started pulling back so I just randomly
started saying “easy... easy...whoaa... easy” into the phone much to the
confusion of my new boss. I’ve been knocked out cold while on the phone.... bit
by a dog while on the phone, now that I think of it I could probably write a
short story about all the stupid stuff that’s happened to me while on the
phone. So all in all this story isn’t nearly as awkward as those situations. That
said, I was at city hall renewing our residential parking permits. I’m standing
in line with Ashley trying to decide which lady looks less scary and who we
hope to have to go deal with. Let’s be honest it’s not that I’m particularly
scared of people but more because it was Ashley and I, and we just do these
sorts of things. We are in luck and my “pick” opens up. I take one step forward
towards her kiosk and my obnoxious ring tone goes off and is ridiculously loud.
I look and see that its Dr M--- and do this wierd “I’m really sorry I have to
take this call” face and hand gesture and scurry off to take the call. So Dr.
M--- drops the bomb(In what I believe is the most warm and kind way possible),
I get off the phone and mom and Ashley are hovering around trying to get
results and I’m damned if I’m going to lose my spot with the “nicer” lady. SO I
gave some signal the news wasn’t ideal and march off to get our parking passes.
The poor lady at this point can tell something not great is going on. I’m
texting Steve the news. My cell goes off again, I pass it off to Ashley, Ashley
is walking around talking to Steve, and then mom is walking around talking to
Steve. I then realize I don’t have my
wallet and am now trying to wave my mom down and then had to have my mother pay
for my parking passes. All in all it was a very weird situation. After which I
decided to go for a “chicken sammich”. Ashley’s
work was amazing enough to put together a really sweet basket which included a
gift certificate for BP’s. So off to BP’s we went. Dad and Shannon joined us and we had a late
lunch. I happened to crush 2 bellini’s (the only drinks I’ve had since chemo)
so was feeling jovial. We had a great meal and then went to the Gap where in
less than 10 minutes I’d selected 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants and promptly
decided I should leave the store immediately before I spent a lot of money.

As I’ve stated in earlier posts, one of my big hang ups has
been having this picc line in my arm. It’s not very decorative and it’s really
annoying for showering and worst of all the combination of Picc Line and horses
makes me a little queasy. But the picc line and myself are now friends. When I
went for a bone scan they used it to inject the dye and I didn’t need to have
an IV put in! Win! I didn’t think I cared about having IV’s put in, until I didn’t
need one put in. I have also finally
found a relatively easy and sort of fun way to keep it dry. Step one, find the
cutest doggy disposal bag (unused) in the dog closet. Cut the end off the bad
and then tape the bag around my upper arm. Then get some vet wrap... in any fun
color you choose and voila! Water tight arm protection that doesn’t make you
feel like a total door knob! Further
more my Grandma and Aunt have knit me what I have dubbed “arm cozies” to hold/hide
my picc line. And they are awesome, and I match them with my knit scarves, and toques,
and I love them.

Lastly I want to share that we booked tickets to go see
Cavalia-Oddesseo in Calgary and I’m pretty much over the moon about it. It was
a bit of a gong show booking the tickets, complete with me in full blown distress,
and Steve and Kate saving the day and we have great tickets!
my phone is more discombobulated that I am |
This post is extremely scattered and harried. But it’s a
pretty clear depiction of the way my day and brain have been thus far. We will
keep you posted as soon as we get more information, even if it’s just a short line
or two to update everyone.
Happy Easter,
Left Foot, Right Foot
Steve & Alyssa
Alyssa, thank you for this blog. The beauty in it is that we are all waiting for more results with you now. I would have heard bits and pieces through the MacDonald grapevine, but this way I have the info right from you and I feel I am waiting with you. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, we MacDonalds are of course all talking about you and your fight. And in the past two weeks that has given me the opportunity to see how much love there is in our family. Each time you get a hug from one of us, know that it is all your cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents together wrapping a big cozy blanket around you.
Thank you for your comment Marla, as Mum and a MacDonald I appreciate your remarks, Hard time but left foot right foot and lots of love will keep us moving forward in the right direction. Alyssa and Steve are amazing!!! We can all learn form them. While we were having lunch Steve was doing his best to make things happen and Alyssa being her positive self. . Gotta love those two.